
What are the disadvantages of monovision?
Scientific studies demonstrate a slight reduction in binocular visual acuity and stereoacuity or depth perception. Some patients require corrective glasses in the reading eye when driving or playing sports. Depending on the correction, patients with intermediate monovision may find that they require reading glasses for extensive near work. Post-operative adaptation may last for several months in some patients.

Is monovisioin for me?
Patients satisfaction with monovision correction ranked 96%. Women choose monovision 2:1 over men. A contact lens trial is useful prior to choosing monovision with surgery, although LASIK monovision has been shown to be superior to contact lens monovision due to constant optical correction, residual astigmatism with contact lenses and freedom from contact lenses.

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Occupation Airline pilots
Professional drivers
Law enforcement
Public speakers
Business people
Hobbies Golf,tennis
Baseball, basketball
Biking, motorcycling
Scuba diving